School fees – Four-year grammar school

1 - 4 year 15.000 Czech crowns per year
School starts at 7.45 am and the timetable and breaks are organized to make it possible for our students who are not from Tábor, to get to school and also home in time. There is a canteen in our school where each student can buy warm lunches. We also provide various sports, cultural and language activities.

Interest activities

During the school year, our students write 2 – 3 plays which they perform to little audience afterwards.

Travel agency
Imaginary travel agency – Šlápota GmbH – organizes school trips and excursions, with lots of help of our students.

School magazine
Our students also organize publishing of their own magazine in which you can find not only interesting articles but also entertaining reading about the life at our school.
Articles in newspapers and magazines.
Also students from lower classes write their own articles which are published in local newspapers and magazines.
In case of your interest, please do not hesitate to contact us at our address or telephone number.

© Táborské soukromé gymnázium a Základní škola, s. r. o.